Tallinn Children's Rehab Centre
"Impulss" is the first centre in Estonia, which develops and applies neurological techniques for children.
The methods that are used in the centre "Impulss" are the result of combining neurological and pedagogical approaches to diagnosing and organising care for children with various developmental disorders.
The Impulse Center conducts various types of diagnostics.

From January 1, 2024, the Center will change prices for all services provided.
The cost of one lesson will be 35 euros. The cost of a subscription is 580 euros. Detailed information can be obtained by phone or from the administrators at the Center.
Developmental Disorders
The most common developmental disorders among children.
Understanding of Speech
If your child does not perceive verbal information well.
Sensory integration
The ability of the brain to combine and process information coming from sensory organs.
Movement coordination
Child's skill of controlling their own bodies lies in the foundation of their brain development.
Using two or more languages for daily life it can be challenging for child's speech development.
Reading and Writing
If your child struggle to learn write or read properly.
Disorders in the development of speech is directly linked to the child’s nervous system.
Our specialists
Our Specialists